

Alright, some of ya’ll don’t understand Symmetra’s primary weapon and maybe you’re underestimating how deadly she is, so let me lay it down for you:

Symmetra’s Primary Fire starts at a low-low 3DPR (damage per round) the moment it latches onto you, and since she does 8RPS (rounds per second), that means she’s doing 24 damage per second, and that seems disgustingly low, doesn’t it? Like, wow, look at this hoity-toity fly you’re about to swat.

But wait a second, that damage increases over time. It’s actually not 24 damage per second. The longer Symmetra’s gun is “latched” onto somebody, the more it “charges”– at half charge, it’s already jumped up to 7DPR, which means she’s pumping out 56DPS. Still not super impressive, but she’s starting to feel threatening, isn’t she? Like hey, that actually stings.

Well, at full charge, Symmetra’s beam does 15DPR, which means she’s doing a whopping 120DPS. Let me clarify for you, that’s exactly the same DPS Pharah puts out. Except Symmetra is latched onto you, and she’s not missing. She’s doing the damage of an Offense Hero, but she can focus entirely on dancing around you without aiming.

But you want to know the kicker? That charge-up doesn’t reset between targets. It has a decay, but if Symmetra has literally just killed somebody on your team and she latches onto you, she is already at max charge. She is eating your health, she’s jumping around in your blindspot, and you’re like “OH NO, I’M DYING, I’M PANICKING, I CAN’T SHOOT HER, SHE’S SO NIMBLE AND DOING AN ASSURED 120 DAMAGE TO ME PER SECOND WITHOUT CHARGE-UP.”

And that’s why a Symmetra that sneaks up behind you and kills your Mercy or Zenyatta or whatever is a threat. That’s why she sometimes chain-kills entire groups out of nowhere.


The moral of the story here is do not underestimate Symmetra or her primary weapon. If you see Symmetra just killed one of your teammates in the killfeed, give her a wide-ass berth because she is at max charge and will devour you.

#nobody expects the vishkar inquisition